Catanduanes Tribune
Virac Catanduanes,
- 5001
(052) 811-1267 or 811-2640
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A. Gianan |
G. Cueno |
T. Revelar
Vol. XX, No. 38 |
November 29, 2000
Major News
Stories |
clergy asks
Erap to resign
To the Faithful of the
Island-Diocese of Virac:
The Lord of freedom and justice
be with you!
We cannot ignore anymore the
call to speak out on the current national crisis. The nation is ailing and
the presidential leadership is under thick, dark clouds.
We are aware that in our
province, whether out of fear or indifference or for some other motives,
people and institutions do not usually openly speak out on controversial
national issues. With this pastoral leter, therefore, we risk causing
disappointment to some, even outrage to others. But the alternative is to
remain silent or to make a statement noble in substance and intent but
devoid of meaning. We cannot remain silent. Our prophetic duty to God and
to our people compels us to speak out.
Bribery, graft and corruption.
Culpable violation of the Constitution. Betrayal of public trust. All
these accusations could have been avoided - if the person concerned had
been more responsible and morally sensitive, more respectful of his
office's dignity and honor, more uncompromising with the nation's welfare,
and had a higher regard for the people's sense of right and wrong. Sadly,
the president has not been such. If he had been, the accusations would not
have been made in the first place, or would have been promptly dismissed
by the people.
The alleged crimes cannot be
traced to mere flaws in government policies, lack of rational discernment
of issues or even poor intellectual capacity. They are the result of a
propensity to confuse private, personal and family interests with public
interests. They are the product of an option to put a low premium on, if
not ignore, morality, decency, propriety, honesty and integrity in public
office. What is clear is that the alleged crimes are crimes committed, not
in the process of executing the laws of the land, or implementing
government policies, or pursuing the public good, but in the pursuit of
Only a people without a sense
of honor and self-respect, without a high regard for morality and decency,
without strong ethical convictions, a people that equates legality with
morality or popularity with legitimacy, can not feel offended and betrayed
by the moral, ethical and legal misadventures of their highest official.
In other civilized societies such official does not wait to be impeached -
he voluntarily resigns, and the people are grateful to him and proud of
their race. For a people to allow an official who has toyed with and
mocked their sense of decency and morality to remain in office, is to own
up to their own moral and ethical bankruptcy. Such a people sin against
themselves and against God.
Nevertheless, we should not
think that the malevolent forces of selfishness and deceit, immorality and
dishonesty are confined to the higher echelons of power. They are as
strong in the other strata of our society. And this is what causes us
grave apprehensions. Malacanang may be freed from evil forces. But for as
long as such forces remain among us, the general populace, the morning sun
will remain far from the horizon.
Hence, even as we cast a
vigilant eye on the presidency, we need to carefully reflect on our own
individual and collective responsibility in this affair. We are all part
of this tragic episode. So let these trying times be an opportunity for
national awakening and conversion. A moment of rising but with each one
beating his breast for pushing our country into a deplorable state, in
danger of becoming the laughing stock and the object of contempt in the
international community.
road to repentance is what we exhort every well-
meaning Filipino to take.
to the President, Joseph Ejercito Estrada, we say: the
many scandals that have
marked your incumbency, which
climaxed with the Singson
expose, have badly and
irreparably eroded your
moral ascendancy to govern our nation. Under this circumstance, we see
a sad and painful scenario wherein you and our people can no longer
work together in harmony and in an atmosphere of trust in
nation building.
question revolves not so much on culpability or innocence as on
credibility and trust. The impeachment process may not find you guilty.
But your irresponsible conduct and behavior, which brought about the
impeachment in the first place, have compromised the honor and dignity
of your office. As a result, you have ceased to be a trustworthy and
effective guardian of the Presidency. You have lost the moral authority
to govern.
without hatred or malice in our hearts, we ask you: PLEASE,
RESIGN. Let your sense of honor as well as love of country prevail over
any other consideration. Resignation may yet prove to be a heroic and
patriotic act on your part. It could gain you the respect and gratitude
of the whole nation. It will certainly restore the Filipino's
self-respect and moral standing in the family of nations.
Finally, we find Dr. Jose P.
Rizal's El Felibusterismo worth re-reading during this crucial moment of
our history. There, our national hero through Padre Florentino exhorts us:
"...Freedom must be
deserved, by improving the mind and
enhancing the dignity of the individual, loving what is just, what is
good, and what is great, to the point of dying for it ... Our
misfortunes are our own fault, let us blame nobody else for them ...
What is the use of independence if the slaves of today will be
tyrants of tomorrow? And no doubt, they will be, because whoever submits
to tyranny loves it!"
May the Lord bless the
Philippines and have mercy on us all!
For the Clergy and Religious of
the Diocese of Virac:
(Sgd.) +MANOLO
of Virac
15 November 2000